A chance to catch up and socialise this Christmas time in the beautiful ‘Cottage Orné’ style former home of the famous poet Alfred Noyes where you are invited to join the Friends for tea (various scones, preserves and clotted cream with tea or coffee) served on vintage china. The fires will be lit and the surroundings exude the warmth of long family occupation. The Noyes have been here since 1929 – do check out their website for more historical notes.
Friday 16th December at 3pm
Tickets (£10 members/£12 non-members) are limited to 30 and must be pre-booked and paid for by Monday 5th December. Please contact Sally Peake on 731403 or e-mail: sallye.peake@btinternet.com. Payment (preferably by BACS) to Ventnor Botanic Garden Friends’ Society, sort code 54-41-31 account no 49647717 using ref. Festive and your surname. (Cash or cheque payment by arrangement)
We look forward to celebrating the start of the festive season with you.