After six years it has become necessary to increase the subscription to the Society from 1st January 2019.
The new rates are: – Individual £20, 2nd member at the same address £10,
Under 16 £2, pro-rata reductions apply for members joining after 1st July.
There are two new attractive benefits for Members in 2019: –
Members will receive a 25% discount when purchasing an annual Ventnor Botanic Garden Membership Pass at any time during the year.
Members will receive 2 FREE Garden entry tickets for use by themselves or their guests, a 2nd member will receive an additional FREE ticket.
Members will continue to receive two copies per year of our colourful and informative magazine, ventnorensis.
As part of the change of the Society’s charity registration to a CIO it has been necessary for the Society to open a new bank account. In order to implement both changes, the Membership Secretary would like members to return the Renewal form enclosed with your ventnorensis confirming your details.